draw an inference中文什么意思

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  1. Inference technology is the most important in fault diagnosis system . however it is difficult to draw an inference in complexity system . the model integrated rbr 、 cbr and fnn is put forward to solve the trouble of armament . the problem that inconvenience to get optimization in cbr and select training - sample in fnn is raveled . emulator shows that the model has more advantage


  1. draw air into the lungs 什么意思
  2. draw an analogy 什么意思
  3. draw an analogy between 什么意思
  4. draw an analogy1 什么意思
  5. draw an arrow 什么意思
  6. draw an inference from 什么意思
  7. draw an item at random 什么意思
  8. draw and buffer gear 什么意思
  9. draw and colour 什么意思
  10. draw and folding 什么意思


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